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  Production Management System

Make rational use of equipment and existing equipped techniques and scientific approach in human resources management, in order to achieve harmonize, economize, safety and efficient production mission.
- Our production and manufacturing department accomplish a tight sequence and economically effective production schedule. Rationally allocate of facilities and man power, conscientiously carry out production plan and mission, so as to achieve an equitable scientific production chain.
- Our company pursues a “Four Standard’ and “Five Clearances” policy in achieving a fine production environment and practical style of work.
“Four Standard” stand for
- Standard operation
- Standard storage
- Standard testing
- Standard handling-over procedures, and the
“Five Clearances” imply
- Clearance facilities
- Clearance floor
- Clearance equipments
- Clearance paths
- Clearance end-products

- All of our production equipments are kept in good orders, semi-manufactured goods and end-products are store in an ease and smooth arrangement. The wastage materials will discharge promptly and lay aside in appointed location.

Copyright @2007 Shenzhen Hongan Machine Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved     粤ICP备09053220号
Address:Unit 18,27/F.,One Midtown,11 Hoi Shing Road,Tsuen Wan,New Territories, Hong Kong